Lenin Moreno after the results: “the old politicians will not return”
In a speech he gave from the presidential palace of Carondelet, in the Ecuadorian capital, Moreno was vehement after the first results of the popular referendum and referendum held today and that have obtained the yes in the seven questions posed by the Government, according to a representative “quick count”
One of them, which proposed the repeal of a constitutional amendment to prevent the indefinite re-election of authorities, which is the lowest rank obtained with less than 20 percent scrutinized, has been interpreted as an attempt to prevent former President Rafael Correa from returning to the power.
“The old politicians will not return, they have an obligation to renew themselves,” Moreno said, interrupted by applause and without mentioning the name of any politician in particular.
“Thank you for fighting against corruption, no more corrupt policies, thanks for encouraging our young people to participate in politics,” the president also said in reference to the number one question in the referendum that fights against corruption.
Moreno said that the election day had been “of peace and a democratic party” and also thanked the officials of the National Electoral Council, the Armed Forces, the international observers, especially the OAS and UNASUR, and the citizens for having participated in the process.
“The consultation – he added – was the result of a broad process of dialogue and today we have the answer,” he said. He added that “we are all obliged to carry out this mandate without any delay” and said that in the next 30 days the National Assembly (Parliament) will begin the process to implement the legislation supported by the electorate.
The popular consultation was announced in October by Moreno after having held numerous meetings with social agents, political organizations and groups of all kinds and having received the proposals of the citizens. Its detractors, mainly supporters of Correa, argue that it was convened unconstitutionally and that they collect questions that violate Ecuadorian law as well as international regulations.
The call is also interpreted by political analysts as a barometer of Moreno’s support among the population, taking into account that Correa has been practically the only leader who has opposed the plebiscite, less than a year after he came to power in presidential elections in April. (I)