Lenin Moreno decrees a new state of emergency in Ecuador for the covid-19; will rule 60 days
The President of the Republic, Lenín Moreno , decreed a new state of emergency throughout the country in the framework of the pandemic by covid-19 . On the night of this Monday, June 15, 2020, Executive Decree 1074 was published .

Moreno decrees a new state of emergency in Ecuador for the covid-19; will rule 60 days
According to the Constitution , states of exception will be valid for up to 60 days and an extension of a maximum of 30 more days is foreseen.
The Executive again argued the situation of “public calamity throughout the national territory due to the presence of the covid-19 and the economic emergency that survived the health emergency that the Ecuadorian State is going through.”
With this, the Government seeks to maintain the exceptional measures such as the restriction of mobility and association that are the basis of the traffic light system implemented to contain the spread of the virus .
For this reason, article 3 of the Decree states that the scope of the limitation of the right to freedom of transit will be carried out only in order to maintain social isolation and distancing measures “according to the traffic light color adopted by each canton” .
The state of emergency maintains the ban on mass public events . For other types of association and meeting activities, the National Emergency Operations Committee will determine the terms of execution according to the color of the traffic light.
This is the second state of emergency issued by the Executive to face the pandemic . The first was decreed on March 16. It was valid for 60 days and an extension of 30 more days that ended today.