Massive Strike to Reject Changes in Education
Yesterday people wearing black suits and ribbons, others with banners and flags marched down 10 de Agosto avenue to protest for the economic compensation and increased working hours.
They all were teachers of colleges, technical schools and private schools. The strike fed up with cries of teachers in Carchi, Imbabura, Tungurahua and Pichincha.
Mariana Pallasca, president of the UNE (National Union of Teachers), said that teachers work from 07:00 to 15:00, in inadequate conditions: no staffroom for teachers, they teach their classes to 60 students per classroom in anti-pedagogical hours.
The teachers shouted: “We are not three, we are not ten, economist Correa, learn to count well.”
For teachers of College Dillon the announcement made by the Ministry of Education on the reclassification of teachers is a new lie, as this process only puts more obstacles to teachers. Moreover, a majority of them does not agree to master because they cost $ 4,000 and $ 5,000, said Marcelo Factos.
The strike arrived to the Ecuadorian National Assembly. The leadership met with the collective rights commission, the teachers presented their demands on the educational journey of 45 minutes.