Mexican Defender Will Reveal Immigrant Kidnappings Cases
The National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH) would publish a report regarding the tragedies on humanity from the last year, the kidnapping of 20,000 Central American immigrants. The president of the CNDH office, Raul Plascencia Villanueva revealed that his office reported over 214 kidnappings from April to August.
The defender of the people assured that this report would have improved methodologies and identification of cases, like the nationality of immigrants, and testimonies. Most of the immigrants are kidnapped on the States of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco, San Luis Potosi, Coahuila and Tamaulipas. Many begin their travel after boarding the train known as the Beast, however the train is stopped by immigration authorities to capture the undocumented. These “officers” are part of a criminal network. Since last week the National Immigration Institute (INM) suspended the night operatives regarding the follow up of the undocumented.
The Mexican Government expressed its contempt on this number saying it is not real, since they do not match with their numbers. On last December, the authorities from El Salvador denounced the kidnapping of 40 people in the area of Chahuites, Oaxaca. However, the biggest incident occurred on August, when 72 migrants where shot on Tamaulipas.