Migration Plan of South American Countries Debated on Bolivia
During the Tenth South American Migrations Conference , representatives of twelve countries will discuss a migratory plan between Tuesday and Wednesday in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
The countries of the region decided to analyze a South American Plan of Human Development for Migrations. Besides the plan, the South American Government representatives would define a unique position before the accord of the World Forum of Migrations that would be celebrated from November 8 to 11 in Mexico.
Alfonso Hinojosa, Consular Regime Director, said last June that immigrants policies must be focusing on the subjects and its rights without being perceived as an economic crisis.
Leonardo Carrion, an ecuadorian representative, will perform the opening in the ceremony by giving the presidency of the Conference to Bolivia. the Director of the International Organization for Migrations (IOM), Laura Thomson of the Costa Rica, and David Choquehuanca from Bolivia, would attend.
It is expected that representatives from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Guayana, Uruguay and Venezuela will attend the event.
The conference purpose is to allow its representatives to expose their opinions regarding migration issues. Meanwhile Evo Morales expressed his desired to lead South America against countries that brutalize immigrants.