Minors are exposed to six types of sexual crimes
During the pandemic , the Children’s Police has treated 722 cases in the country. The limitations due to the covid-19 make it difficult to report.

Minors are exposed to six types of sexual crimes
The man remained motionless, looking down at the floor. He was surrounded by police officers , who broke into his home seven days ago and captured him because they had reports that he was sexually exploiting a 14-year-old girl.
Pictures of girls and a doll appear in the messy room . At that location, investigators gathered evidence to prosecute the suspect.
This criminal file, originated in Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas , is known by the Juvenile Police (Dinapen) and is not the only one in the emergency .
The crisis generated by the covid-19 caused that the denunciations were reduced in the country, but the virtual channels enabled helped to report them, although they did not reach the levels registered in January and February.
So far, the Police have broken up networks that operated, for example, in Zapotillo, a canton of Loja . Seven men who sexually exploited two minors were captured last May, after a follow-up by the agents.
The previous month, however, the Cuenca Police arrested a suspect who was also exploiting a minor .
The provinces with the most cases of sexual crimes against children are Guayas, Los Ríos, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Tungurahua and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.
Pichincha is not in that group with more frequent events, but Quito does report cases. On Sunday, July 12, 2020, a homeless man who frequented San Roque was beaten by neighbors and later detained.
The reaction came after they found out that he raped a 12-year-old girl when he entered the house when he saw the door open.
A day earlier, a foreigner was arrested in Pujilí , for attacking his partner’s daughter. The girl is 9 years old.
The rape of minors committed by the family environment near the victim people is punishable by up to 22 years in prison, according to the Penal Code (art. 171).
Juana Fernandez, head of the Task Force on Violence Prosecution says that children , girls and adolescents are more vulnerable these days due to the confinement .
“In the context of the pandemic, these crimes increase, but they are not brought to the attention of the judicial authorities, because confinement allows the perpetrator to easily perpetrate gender violence,” warns the official.
The idea is that cases like Loreto’s in Orellana are not repeated . There, a 46-year-old man is investigated for the alleged rape of his 9-year-old niece .
A prosecutor and the mother of the minor filed a criminal action after the minor told everything that had happened with the accused.
The event happened on June 13. The Dinapen arrested the alleged offender, who keeps custody while awaiting a hearing date for the criminal trial .
Similar events occurred in other cities during the emergency . In Portovelo , El Oro, a man was arrested on June 1 after reporting that he raped his 10 and 14-year-old daughters.
According to investigations, it all started when the attacker came home and asked his 10-year-old daughter to help him find something, took her to a room and allegedly attacked her.
The prosecution says that he later asked his other daughter to accompany him and did the same.
The agents determined that at that time, the minor escaped from the house and asked the neighbors for help. The suspect was captured .
On June 2, however, a member of the Marine Corps was tried in Esmeraldas for the attack on his 17-year-old stepdaughter.
A call to ECU-911 alerted to what happened. After that emergency, police officers went to the military villages and corroborated what happened. The minor was assisted by police and the sailor is being held.
For now, a legal medical examination and the psychological evaluation of the minor were presented against the accused .