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Musical Shows Promoter to trial for Michael Jackson’s death
Posted On 02 Apr 2013

Katherine Jackson
This week marked the beginning of the second trial for the death of Michael Jackson against the Musical shows promoter AEG Entertainment for not providing adequate medical assistance to the artist. The trial is being followed by Katherine Jackson, mother of the late King of Pop, in Los Angeles.
In 2009, Michael Jackson died of acute drug intoxication at the age of 50. The cardiologist Conrad Murray, hired by AEG, was convicted of manslaughter, to four years in prison for administering the hospital anesthetic Propofol.
Katherine accuses AEG of not having had adequate equipment to save her son’s life and for haven’t thoroughly researched the history of the doctor they hired. Relatives of Jackson cited that the artist could have received about 40,000 million dollars if he had not died in 2009, so they expect the proper compensation.