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Odebrecht’s presence in 15 major works
Posted On 23 Dec 2016

The presence of the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht can be traced in at least fifteen major works in the country.
The Manduriacu hydroelectric plant, the Daule Vinces irrigation project, La Esperanza aqueduct and the preparation of the land in the Pacific Refinery, and the Pascuales-Cuenca pipelines are the most recently contracted by the Government, through the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, Senagua, Petroecuador, and other State agencies. While the Ruta Viva and the Metro of Quito are works undertook by the Municipality of the capital during the administrations of Augusto Barrera and Mauricio Rodas.
Of the fifteen, only eight of the biggest will cost about $ 3.2 billion.
The contracts with Odebrecht are in the sight of the world after last Wednesday the Department of Justice of the United States revealed that the company paid between 2007 and 2016 about $ 33.5 million in bribes in Ecuador, a practice that extends to twelve countries.
Yesterday, the Legal Secretary of the Presidency Alexis Mera replied to the complaint, citing a paragraph of the report stating that “for example,” an official received corrupt cash payments for fixing problems in a construction project.