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Payments to the wife of Alex Bravo, according to he UAF
Posted On 25 Aug 2016

A report from the Financial Analysis Unit (UAF for its Spanish acronym) notes that several contractors of Petroecuador made transfers to three companies of Jelice Herrera, wife of Alex Bravo, former manager of the state oil company, imprisoned for alleged illicit enrichment.
The prosecution has not linked Herrera Ferrin in the proceedings against her husband. She is shareholder of Servbrahe Servicios de Ecuador S.A., Hesomite del Ecuador S.A. and Esmecbrah del Ecuador S.A., which is engaged in business consulting, real estate and trade activities, respectively.
The report indicates that Equipos y Controles Industriales S.A. Ecisa paid $ 480 thousand to Servbrahe and Hesomite. Ecisa, subsidiary of a Colombian firm of the same name, obtained $ 25.88 million from Petroecuador, the document adds.
Source: http://www.eluniverso.