Pichincha Voted “No” in Gambling Prohibition
After an analysis made by the Provincial Electoral Board it was determined that in the province of Pichincha, with a narrow advantage, option “Yes” prevailed in eight of the ten questions of the referendum held on 7 May.
However, it was in question 7 where the “No” option irrevocably won by a margin of 11,692 votes compared to “Yes”. This question sought a ban on gambling businesses in the country.
However, the implementation of this theme will be done in a national level, because the only valid question in a jurisdictional way is number 8.
In question 7, the “Yes” option was supported by 46.054% of the population, which represents 698,495 people, while option “No” had a 46.825% of it, this is equal to 710,187 voters.
Source: El Universo Newspaper