Polit recognizes that he had a telephone conversation with José Serrano
The former Comptroller Carlos Pólit, in an interview on Monday night in the program Conclusiones, broadcast by CNN en Español, confirmed that there was a telephone conversation between him and José Serrano, president of the National Assembly, and that it was revealed in the morning of this same day by the State Attorney General, Carlos Baca Mancheno.
Polit said that “this call occurs exactly on November 22, 2017 … I was behind because I wanted to know the truth … Mr. Serrano is the one who talks about his issues, I follow what I wanted to look for, this report (audit) that said Baca Mancheno and the 30S group, and the former president (Rafael) Correa.
“The former comptroller said that the recording of that call was made by him privately and that he was fraudulently extracted from his cell phone, “that the Prosecutor has to answer how he got that audio”.
From the contents of the telephone conversation and about a supposed agreement, Polit said that “that’s what Serrano has to answer” and the former Comptroller said he did not know what agreement Serrano refers to on the call. “Everything that Serrano said was from his mind and from him, I have nothing to do with that …”, he added.
“When he (Serrano) looks for a copy (of the 30S audit report) that I give him, I say to him: ‘and who sent the friend?’ Because he always said that the report was delivered A friend, a friend of his, I never knew the name, but he talks about a friend … You have to ask the president of the Assembly why he knew that (the report) did not exist, my search was the original report and everything was hidden they hid everything; Now, as the “compadres” have already quarreled and they no longer take, the original has already appeared, “said Polit. Regarding the third male voice that is heard in a part of the telephone recording, Polit said that this man was with Serrano, he has to say the name. (I)
Source: https://www.larepublica.ec/blog/politica/2018/02/27/polit-conversacion-telefonica-jose-serrano/