President Correa Informed that Iran Made Deposits in Cash in COFIEC

Ecuador and its relations with Iran
COFIEC, is a bank of the Ecuadorian state, received two deposits in cash from the Embassy of Iran, one from $500,000 and another for 1’360,000. Gustavo Becerra, the compliance officer of COFIEC informed that on November 11 and 14 of 2011, two accounts were created for the Embassy of Iran, a savings a checking account. Antonio Buñay, the former executive of the entity revealed that the applications that prove the legality of funds with an amount superior to the $10,000 were not requested by the diplomatic mission. Such applications are made in the financial system as a way to prevent money laundering.
In the report of November 25 made by Becerra, it reported that the accounts were made “by instructions received in accordance with conversations maintained with high authorities of the government.” To support the entering of money in those accounts –that the Iranian embassy said that it came from its budget- Buñay received a letter (ERII/3-3/1026) from the Iranian Embassy as an urgent matter on November 21, when the first deposit was made which also made a reference to the conversations maintained between Buñay and Ambassador Salehi, and also with national authorities, among those was Pedro Delgado, president of the Central Bank. It was also included a certification of Foreign Relations Ministry which assure that the foreign office is supported and that it operates since February 18 of 2009.
The deposits of $1’800,000 in COFIEC increase the scandal as to why the Bank of State gave a credit without guarantees to the Argentinean DUZAC, who has not cancelled the loan so far. This has cause quite the scandal in the country. COFIEC has become an important key regard the puzzle of the relations initiated between Rafael Correa, with Ecuador and Iran. AV