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Pro-government majority in new Provincial Council of Guayas
Posted On 21 Mar 2014
The future Provincial Council of Guayas will be like minded to the Prefect Jimmy Jairala, who won the elections last February under the auspice of Alianza Pais and the Democratic Centre (AP-CD). This Alliance will get 7 of 25 municipalities in Guayas, according to the numerical results of the Electoral National Council (CNE).
In addition, AP achieved 7, Avanza and the PSFA, achieved one each. These last two parties are allies of the regime. For this reason, Jairala will have at least 16 of the 25 votes of the mayors in sessions of the Council. It remains to know the 7 members of rural parish boards (JPR) which, according to the Cootad, will have space in the organization.
The Council is the body of legislation and control of local government, and it is integrate by all the mayors of the province and a share of board members from JPR, according to the code of Territorial organization (Cootad).