Prosecutor’s Office continues with investigations of young girl’s death
Ramiro Ortega, Pichincha Judicial Police Chief, said yesterday that the samples from Leslie Rosero’s stomach will be analysed by the Prosecutor’s Office to discover if the antidepressant pills that were found near her were ingested by the young girl.
Likewise, Ortega confirmed that Rosero, who was found lifeless in the Metropolitan Park of Quito by a woman who was walking with her pet, died from asphyxiation by strangulation.
The provincial prosecutor of Pichincha, Miguel Jurado and the third Prosecutor of the Unity of People and Guarantees, Galeano Balcázar, met yesterday with the young girl’s family to obtain more and relevant information about the deceased, that can help the investigation carried out by the Prosecutor on this case.
Jurado informed that legal proceedings are being conducted, among them they are receiving statements from family and close friends.