Prosecutor’s Office failed to verify attack on Amazon tribe
A delegation of four representatives of the Huaorani, technical specialists and the public prosecutor Raúl Chimarro, departed yesterday at 09:30 to Orellana in an army helicopter to try to confirm the alleged attack against the indigenous taromenanes.
When they descended, the President of the Association of the Huaorani women , Manuela Ima, stated that she saw some houses that were apparently destroyed, however, Chimarro has not confirmed this version. “They are only rumours, there is nothing specific. “There are no destroyed houses, and there was practically no results”, said the Prosecutor
Furthermore, Ima was not satisfied, because their initial intention was to “get down and go to the community to work (research)”.
With this one, two flights have been made in the sector of Peneno, Orellana. In the first, which took place on Tuesday, weather conditions prevented obtaining positive results.
The Ministry of Justice, institution that was commissioned to sound the alert, reported that it will issue a statement in the next few hours.