Pyromaniacs Light Fires at Metropolitan Park

Pyromaniacs light Fires at Metropolitan Park
QUITO, Ecuador
Officers from the Metropolitan Police of Quito, who were suffocating a fire in the Bellavista neighborhood, observed two people throwing Molotov cocktails at the Metropolitan Park trees.
“They fled on a motorcycle after they made the fire,” expressed the military.
Last night William Cevallos Calvopiña, was captured in southern Quito, on suspicion of arson in the capital.
The Fire Department captain, Henry Silva, in charge of the operation, indicated that the area is being controlled but still exists some small fires in some bushes of the Mirador 2 of the park.
So far 20 firefighters are fighting the fire in the park, and is expected that in the coming hours, 10 Red Coats military will join to help with the hard task. (MZ)