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Quito has new queen
Posted On 24 Nov 2012
Yesterday, Silvana Di Mella, a young 24 year-old woman, industrial psychologist by profession, and with Venezuelan parents, was crowned Queen of the capital of Ecuador.

Silvana Di Mella
Di Mella, wearing the silver crown with 400 sapphires and pearls, begins her year as queen, which will end in November next year.
The Municipality of Quito, with the slogan “Quito Get Active“, will promote a campaign to make the current sovereign, rediscover lifestyle of Quito chullas and chagras.
Irene Price Intriago, 21, was chosen Miss Congeniality; Adriana Arroyo Ahmed, 21, is the new Miss Fellowship, and finally, the title of Miss Patronage belongs to Salome Bravo, 24. (MZ)