Rafael Correa chaired Popular Session to Honor Guayaquil
Today, from La Garzota neighborhood, in the outdoor shopping center Garzocentro, President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, chaired a popular meeting in honor of Guayaquil festivities.
Prior to a historical summary of the city, the president said his citizen’s revolution seeks second great independence, beginning with Guayaquil, which he said “is the most unequal city” of Ecuador.
In his speech he questioned invasions, settlements run by land traffickers in Guayaquil. He foisted the problem to poor local governments.
He said he is making a massive resettlement for residents such as those who live in Mount Sinai area, northwest of the city, dwell in safe places like Ciudad Victoria.
In security matters he said they have captured 99 of the 100 most wanted, they have improved the salaries of the military, and they have implemented the system ECU 911 in Samborondon.
Correa recalled his work in the educational field which is shown in the construction of two replicas of schools: Vicente Rocafuerte and Guayaquil, as well as the so called Millennium Schools.
He said Guayaquil is the city with less green spaces of all. “Recovering these spaces will be the mission of Guayaquil Ecológico project,” he said. (FL)