Rafael Correa will investigate Teleamazonas for its role in 30-S
Because the TV Station knew with anticipation the police revolt of September 30, 2010, the President asked to attorney general, Galo Chiriboga, to investigate the involvement of Teleamazonas in the case.
He said it during his saturday broadcast , issued from Quitumbe, near Quito, and attributed the acussation to an investigation of the National Secretariat of communication (Secom) which shows that the news coordinator from that channel, Milton Perez, posted a Tweet to the Ecuadorian journalist, based in Colombia, Andrea Bernal, a day before the 30th of September, where he warns her to be attentive because the country was about to live intense days.
He added that this channel was the first to transmit the police revolt live and for that reason the chanel needed to place their equipment f early in the imorning.
On the other hand, Correa announced compensatory measures to counter the effects of a possible refusal by the United States to renew the system of tariff preferences (Atpdea). As well as the plans to acquire a new aircraft for presidential trips which would be at the service of all officers of the State.
According to Correa, one of the challenges of the 2014 citizen revolution will be to ‘recover’ Guayaquil.