Rains Damaged Roads and Crops in 4 Ecuadorian Provinces
There are overflowing rivers and affected crops in Imbabura and Carchi, in addition to roadblocks in Chimborazo and Azuay, due to landslides caused by rain fall in different areas of four highland provinces.
The rains in the southeast of Carchi increased Apaqui river flow which led to its congestion.
Several Afro-Ecuadorian communities of the Chota Valley have been affected by a torrent of mud and stones.
Meanwhile, the road linking Buenos Aires parish of Urcuquí Canton with the rest of Imbabura, continues destroyed, after the rains that occurred during last April and May, that caused constant landslides.
It is estimated that about 1,700 farmers here are unable to transport products from their crops. Prefecture is studying the situation and and assumes that $ 1’700.000 are needed to reconstruct bridges and gabion walls.
In Chimborazo there are some complication with the opening of the Panamericana Sur road due a landslide occurred last Saturday night, which keeps the road blocked.
Meanwhile, landslides continue in the Interoceánica route that connects provinces of Azuay and Morona Santiago, in the East.
Rains are forecast to remain over the next ten days according to the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology.
Source: Daily El Universo