Rally promulgates perseverance for Glas Viejo case
The Faith song dedicated to mother that accuses Jorge Heriberto Glas Viejo was expressed yesterday by the singer from Quito, Gloria Arcos, who accompanied by her guitar, in Guayaquil, while she was at the rally outside the Alban Borja, in front of the building that serves as a Court.
“I have a primitive hope / that is permeating the soul / that is permeating the soul / and say it’s little lie / this contained rage / that climbs up from the belly to the throat / Whooping, twitches, it wants out / biting and cursing / yelling till it drop…”
“We have come for the people to wake up and to make justice,” said the singer. Her comments come amidst the appeal hearing the rape trial by the defense of Glas Viejo, which was eventually suspended by Hector Davalos Peredo, counsel for the defendant.
The abused girl’s mother was touched by the lyrics of the song and let tears of gratitude run for the gesture as well as impotence. But she said that for the first time in nearly 19 months of fighting she felt the support of women in various fields seeking justice for her eldest daughter and mother of a child who is 14 months old.
Among some renown women that attended the rally were Nelsa Curvelo, Anunziata Valdez, Marina Salvarezza, Martha Roldós, María Leonor Jiménez, the latter will integrate the oversight that follows the case said: “It is outrageous that they have been given (Glas Viejo) an appeal, the judges deny it to all those accused and it’s weird that they have given it.”