Ranking of advisers in the Assembly with more and less academic degrees
Lawyers prevail in the list of advisers of level 1 of the National Assembly. Until last September, the body recorded 171 professionals, of which 53% have degrees related with law.
The other half of advisers are engineers (13%), with degrees in Social Communication (9%) and the rest is divided among economists, teachers, sociologists and doctors.
The monthly salary of these employees is $ 3173 each, so the total disbursement per month is $ 542,583, without taking into account bonuses and other benefits.
The regulations on the hiring of advisers and other officials of the Legislature, in force since October 2009, provides in Section 6 that these advisers shall have a “duly recognized college degree.”
Meanwhile, lower-level advisers must have at least a high school diploma.
According to the list of advisers to the Assembly updated until last September and the records of the Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (Senescyt), the college degrees of seven officials are not properly registered in this institution.
It is noteworthy that 39% of Level 1 advisers not only have a postgraduate level, but also masters degrees, mainly related to law. There are officials who register up to three masters degrees. There is also a group of legislators who have made certification programs, but this is not considered as a degree under the Ecuadorian law.
Source: http://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/ranking-asesores-asamblea-nacional-titulos.html