Retired teachers claim their pending compensations

Lourdes Tiban talked about a soon analysis of the Law of the Elderly.
It’s what dozens of retired teachers are asking, while in sign of protest, have also invaded the Labour Rights Commission of the National Assembly.
These outraged teachers, claim the authorities for some reason and consideration, since incredibly they have been waiting years for their rightful compensations.
Already in the assembly, the 60 year-old teachers, claimed over the so-called Law of the Elderly, which was denied analysis by the ruling party. This law provides for the immediate payment of the 150 basic salaries ($ 36,000).
However, retirees, reported incomplete compensation since 2008 with minor amounts ranging from $ 12,000 to $ 18,000.
Questioning the negative vote of the ruling bloc, elderly retirees, threatened to declare a hunger strike at the assembly, but the leaders were able to avoid such action.
Upon leaving the building, teachers just said “we have only lost a battle.” (MZ)