Russian Punk Band Sentenced to Two Years in Prison

Pussy Riot
Members of the Russian music band Pussy Riot are back in trouble. This time, there are facing criminal charges that could assure prison for two years.
The rebels were arrested after being stopped in the Christ the Savior Cathedral to protest against President Vladimir Putin reelected last February 21. The started crossing themselves at the altar and then start playing a song in which they criticized Putin and the head of the Church in Russia, Cyril I of Moscow.
Days later, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Mary Alyokhina were arrested and charged with vandalism. The third member, Ekaterina Samoutsevitch was arrested two weeks later on the same charge.
After several hearings, a judge found them guilty sentencing them for to two years in prison after facing charges of violating public order and offend the feelings of believers.
With the passing of the months, the news came to the ears of the singer Madonna, who called for his release.