Salt, sugar and fat tags can go back of the package
Yesterday, the Reform that allows companies to place alerts on fat, salt and sugar contents in the back of food products packages, was published in the Official Gazette.
Last November, The Ministry of Health issued a regulation for the food and beverage industry to put labels with colored circles to communicate the product components.
Although the norm initially established that ” traffic lights ” should be placed in the front of the label, now it is optional.
“The graphic system will be in the upper left corner of the main panel or in the side panel of the processed food package, occupying the corresponding area of the panel,” notes the article 1 of the reform. With this, the reform announced last week was formalized by the Coordinating Minister of Production, Richard Espinosa.
Christian Wahil, President of the National Association of Manufacturers of Food and Beverage (Anfab for its spanish acronym), said that despite there are companies that made first change required, industries would be willing to make a new investment to place the “traffic lights” on back of the product .
“The issue is obviously of image, many companies have already made the labels change, but it’s so positive that they will do anything to put the ” traffic lights “on the back of the product,” he said .