Second Stage for contest of aspiring judges starts
This week begins the second stage of the competition for the renewal of one third of the National Court of Justice (CNJ for its Spanish acronym). On Saturday would initiate the public hearings to determine the profile of candidates for judges.
The Plenary is scheduled to meet today to outline in which way the oral interviews of 139 candidates will be carried out. These interviews will not be qualified. In addition, between today and Wednesday, objections against candidates for the position will be received.
Of the participants who passed the first phase, 25 are women, 114 men and six have disabilities. Provinces with more candidates are Pichincha and Guayas.
Among the best known qualified applicants are the former Minister of Justice, Johana Pesántez; José Vicente Troya, who served as President of the former Supreme Court; Luis Fernando Quiroz, Judge of the Second Criminal Division of the CNJ; and the former Prosecutor of Pichincha, Silvya Sanchez.