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Seizures Continue in Vanguardia Magazine
Posted On 01 Aug 2012

After the raid on the Vanguardia Magazine headquarters, Carlos del Pozo, lawyer of the Magazine, was arrested.
Yesterday, staff from the Ministry of Labour Relations and the police entered the headquartes of Vanguardia magazine located north of Quito, Ecuador.
Journalists, designers and administrative staff were removed from their posts and their work equipments were seized.
The general editor of Vanguardia Magazine, Ivan Flores, explained that the search warrant was given in response to a labor debt of $20.800.
“The information that is there is not theirs. That’s from the magazine and our readers, “said Flores.
During the seizure, one of the lawyers of the magazine, Carlos del Pozo, was arrested for an alleged altercation with the police. MZ