The 39 questions of the Vatican to the bishops of the world
These are the 39 questions that make up the questionnaire sent by the Pope Francisco to the dioceses of the world and all parishioners , compared to 9 agendas with hitherto considered taboo topics :
1. – The dissemination of Sacred Scripture and the Magisterium of the Church on the family
a) What is the actual knowledge of the teachings of the Bible , the ( encyclical ) ‘ Gaudium et Spes ‘ , the ‘ Familiaris Consortio ‘ and other documents of the post-conciliar magisterium ( Vatican II ) on the value of the family as the Catholic Church? What is the training of our faithful family life according to the teachings of the Church?
b ) Where teaching of the Church is known , is accepted in its entirety ? Are there difficulties in putting it into practice ? What ?
c ) How is widespread teaching of the Church in the context of pastoral programs at the national level ? ? Diocesan parish ? What kind of catechesis is done on the family?
d ) To what extent, specifically on which aspects – such teaching is really known , accepted, rejected and / or extra- ecclesial environments criticized ? What are the cultural factors that hinder the full reception of Church teaching on the family ?
2. – On Marriage according to the natural law :
a) Where does the concept of natural law in civil culture , both in the institutional , educational and academic field as popular? What anthropological optics are understood in this debate on the natural foundation of the family?
b ) The concept of natural law in relation to the union between man and woman is it commonly accepted as part of the baptized in general?
c ) How is answered in practice and natural law theory on the union between man and woman in view of the formation of a family? What is proposed and deepened in civic and church organizations ?
d ) In the event that the marriage ask the baptized non-practicing or non-believers who are declared , how pastoral meet the challenges arising from this?
3. – The family ministry in the context of evangelization:
a) What are the experiences have emerged in recent decades in order to prepare for marriage ? How has tried to encourage evangelization duty of husbands and family ? How to promote awareness of the family as ” domestic church “?
b ) Has managed to put forward styles in family prayer that get resist the complexity of life and culture today ?
c ) In the current crisis between generations , how Christian families have managed to perform the vocation of transmission of the faith?
d ) In what way local churches and family spirituality movements have managed to create copies roads ?
e ) What is the specific contribution that couples and families have got to give respect to the dissemination of a comprehensive view of the couple and the Christian family today is credible ?
f) What pastoral care the Church said to support the way in training couples and couples in crisis?
4. – On the pastoral to face some difficult marriage situations :
a) The coexistence “ad experimentum ” (experimental ) , is a reality pastoral highlighted in the particular Church (local ) ? What could be estimated numerically percentage ?
b ) Are there free unions actually unrecognized religious or civil ? Is there reliable statistics ?
c ) The separated and divorced who remarry are they relevant pastoral reality in the particular Church ? What could be estimated numerically percentage ? How are facing this reality through appropriate pastoral programs ?
d ) In all these cases , how they live their irregularities baptized ? Are they aware of them ? Manifest ? Simply indifference? Do they feel marginalized and live with suffering unable to receive the sacraments ?
e) What are the requests that the divorced and remarried turn to the Church with regard to the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation ? Among people who are in this situation , how many ask these sacraments ?
f ) Simplification of canonical practice , regarding the recognition of the declaration of nullity of marriage may provide actual positive contribution to the solution of the problems of the people involved ? If so, how?
g ) Is there a pastoral approach these cases? How is this pastoral activity ? Are there programs about it on national and diocesan ? How do you advertise separated and divorced and remarried the mercy of God and how specific the support of the Church in their journey of faith ?
5. – On the unions of persons of the same sex :
a ) Does your country have a law recognizing civil unions equated same-sex marriage somehow ?
b ) What is the attitude of the local Churches and against both the promoter Status civil unions between same sex, as compared to the people involved and this type of union ?
c) What can be pastoral care to people who have chosen to live by such unions ?
d ) In the case of unions of persons of the same sex who has adopted children , how to behave in view of the transmission of the faith ?
6. – The education of children in irregular marriage situations but :
a) What is in these cases the estimated proportion of children and adolescents in relation to children born and raised in families regularly constituted ?
b ) How parents attitude turn to the Church ? What do you request? Is it only the sacraments or even teaching catechism and religion in general ?
c ) How local churches approach the need for parents of these children to provide a Christian education to their own children ?
d ) How is sacramental practice in these cases : the preparation, administration of the sacrament and the accompaniment ?
7. – On the opening of the spouses to life:
a) What is the real knowledge that Christians have the doctrine of the ( encyclical ) ” Humanae Vitae ” responsible parenthood ? What awareness about the moral evaluation of various methods of birth control ? What insights might suggest about it from the pastoral point of view ?
b ) moral doctrine is accepted ? What are the most problematic aspects that make them difficult to accept for most couples ?
c) What natural methods are promoted from the particular Churches to help the spouses to implement the doctrine of ” Humanae vitae”?
d ) What is the experience on this issue in the practice of the sacrament of penance and participation in the Eucharist ?
e) What contrasts are evident between the doctrine of the Church and civil education in this regard ?
f ) How to promote mostly open minded birth ? How to encourage the increase of births ?
8. – On the relationship between the family and the person:
Jesus reveals the mystery and vocation of man : the family is a privileged place for this to happen ?
What family critical situations in the world today can be an obstacle to the person ‘s encounter with Christ ?
What extent the crisis of faith that people can suffer affect their family life?
9. – Other challenges and proposals:
Are there other challenges and proposals regarding the issues raised in this questionnaire , which are treated as urgent or useful to the recipients?