The correísmo uses false information to have social impact
The correísmo is desperate because the Yes will win in the consultation, says the expert in networks and communication, Jaime Vega. According to him, he seeks to divert attention from the elections on February 4. They seek to destabilize or divert attention from the upcoming elections, on February 4.
That happens with fake ads through emails, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and even Instagram, Jaime Vega, an expert in social networks and communication, told EL TELÉGRAFO. “What is posted on Twitter by the Yes in the consultation is a lie. How to distort the hard vote with irreversible tendency for the Yes? With that information, they are only practices to achieve that the Yes lose and use the loss of prestige to the Government, “he said. This is a political strategy of the correístas because the Yes is “forceful and resounding” against the No and the caravan of hate, as the Ecuadorians baptized, to the tour of former President Rafael Correa for Ecuador.
He was thrown eggs at and had to be protected with cartons (cardboards) and umbrellas. According to Vega, supporters of the ex-president went to the old practices that they had during 10 years: the attack, the harassment and the defamation. “They are very desperate and very low actions,” he warned.
Other information that was used by the correistas to bring down the query was the New York Times. According to that American newspaper, a Moreno adviser bought followers, tweets and retweets to the Devumi company for the presidential election campaign in 2017.
But the secretary of Communication, Álex Mora, clarified that the President defined the contents but did not manage the social networks. “If any collaborator or adviser decided to act unethically when buying followers, he did so without consent or authorization, violating express provisions of the campaign communication team,” Mora wrote in a letter to Nicholas Confessore of that US newspaper. The network expert agrees with that. According to him, it could be that a consultant closely linked to Correa, who was not even at Moreno’s side, decided to buy those followers because that is a very correísta practice.
Why buy fake followers? To create influence in social networks, this is how the reputation of an account is built and that is related to the number of followers. However, the important thing is to have a natural growth of real followers, argued Vega. The digital marketing strategy, now, knows microinfluencers. That is to say, “it is better to have 300 followers who interact with me at every moment. They are more important for the reputation than the megainfluencers, who could have 50% of followers bought, “he said.
Moreno has a growth of 5% of users daily in his account in the campaign, considered natural because it is the visible head of the query. The tweeters are able to identify the timeline, or what is posted day by day, and identify the false followers. For this they must check a follower and see if he has few followers, or if he is monothematic. That shows that he is not a real follower, but false.
Another example of correístas practices to boycott the consultation was the false announcement about new economic measures or an economic package that has been replicated in websites. That information, which is not true, has been posted by the Chilean journalist and Correa extroller, Patricio Mery Bell. “You have to contrast the information and see where the news comes from. There are many who come to WhatsApp, but that application will never be a source, “said Vega.
The correísta harassment in the networks was even studied abroad. A report by the University of Oxford analyzed how the digital troops were handled in the 10 years of the former president. He called them “digital warriors” and under his call all were activated against accounts of opponents, journalists, union leaders, social organizations and any critic of his policy. Correa’s voice ordered: “digital warriors, attend”. And those digital troops were insulting, threatening to kill the critics of the former presdident. Behind all this were Fernando Alvarado, ex leader of the Secom; Amauri Chamorro, Ecuadorian-Brazilian, and Roberto Wohlgemuth, is an adviser to Correa, according to an investigation of Plan V and Mil Hojas.
COIP imposes up to 3 years in prison for data theft
President Lenin Moreno denounced the theft of the database of the Plan Whole Life. The robbery was perpetrated, he said, to convene 400,000 beneficiaries who would receive their homes during the link The Government informs.
The President said that those people were called by message to tell them that the homes were going to be delivered. “It is a malicious message, played with the illusion of 400,000 Ecuadorians. You know me, we never lie. It is clear that they want to damage our project, “he said.
Moreno said that the houses will be delivered according to the schedule planned by the Technical Secretariat of the Whole Life Plan. For cases like these there are sanctions in the Comprehensive Penal Code (COIP), in article 190 establishes fraudulent appropriation by electronic means. According to the COIP, the person who fraudulently uses a computer system or electronic and telecommunications networks to facilitate the appropriation of an alien property or transfer without consent goods, values or rights to the detriment of this or a third party, for their benefit or another person, altering, manipulating or modifying the operation of networks will be sanctioned with imprisonment of 1 to 3 years. (I)