The cultural diversity of Ecuador was taken to Japan

With the name I am / I am, the Ecuadorian Leonardo Ampuero inaugurated in Yokohama,Japan, his photographic exhibition at the Yokohama Yamate World Christmas 2018.The artist was invited by the Yokohama Greenery Foundation, where he shows thebest of the cultures of Estonia, Italy, Germany, Finland, United Kingdom,Monaco, Spain and Ecuador. The gallery will be open to the public until December 25.
Ampueroas representative of Ecuador exhibits an inclusive work that shows the diversity, spontaneity, joy, multiculturalism of Ecuadorian children portray edby their lens in several of their tours of the country.
“I would like to bring a message of peace, of hope, of life, in this era that isso overvalued and commercialized. When they invited me to exhibit, Iimmediately thought of this work that I had kept for a special occasion, and itis now when I think it is appropriate to show it in Japan at Christmas time.”
The 35-year-old from Guayaquil explains that the show collects portraits of infants he made on Santay Island, Playas, Otavalo, Cotacachi and Esmeraldas, but it was precisely in this last province that his work gained more strength because it was carried out on the border with Colombia, where several conflicts have been caused by the guerrillas.
Its production – it indicates – centers in migration, diversity, inclusion, culture and education. His footsteps around the world are leaving encouraging work as his micro-documentary Hilos de la memoria, which was premiered at the Cinemark Chile network.
This work makes a patrimonial and cultural rescue of the artisan women arpilleristasof La Pincoya, who during the Chilean military dictatorship carried out withtheir art denunciations of all the human rights violations that happened in Chile. With that project, the Guayaquil has received some awards, for example,to position itself as one of the best socio-cultural jobs in Green Latin Awards. (I)