The first debate of Correa
Rafael Correa, president of Ecuador, accepted after nine years to debate. In 2006 he did this in his first run against Cynthia Viteri, Alvaro Noboa, Fernando Rosero and Leon Roldos.
After that meeting he did not lack invitations. In turn, former president Lucio Gutierrez, former banker Guillermo Lasso, businessman Alvaro Noboa and, in recent days, Assemblyman Andres Paez wanted to exchange ideas with the president. All were disappointed.
In the last presidential election, Correa did not participate in the debate with the other candidates. He was the only absent.
On Monday, Correa announced on his Twitter account. “On Wednesday there will be a major televised debate between the president and his economic team and critic or opponent analysts. They do not know how much it costs that they accept, because many of them are champions speaking anything, but they fear confronting ideas,” he wrote.
Those chosen were Alberto Dahik, former vice president; Mauricio Pozo, former Finance Minister and Ramiro González, former Minister of Industry. They can ask and cross-examine if the case requires so.