The “Huffington Post” Launches French version
The French version of one of the largest online newspapers, the Huffington Post, was presented today in Paris by entrepreneur Arianna Huffington and Anne Sinclair, French journalist and wife of former director of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
This journal aims to be a “hybrid” between traditional journalism and participatory journalism its staff has eight reporters and the collaboration of bloggers and signatures. The French site will maintain its editorial independence and report on issues and angles in “harmony with the culture” of France, said Sinclair, who said that the website will attempt to “make a point of view to encourage debate.”
The French edition is in the hands of U.S. AOL portal (51 percent of the shares), group Le Monde (34%) and Nouvelles Éditions Independentes (15%) and share the digital platform of the original site founded in 2005 by Arianna Huffington and purchased in 2011 by AOL for $ 300 million.
The next March, the “Huffington Post” will launch its edition in Spain, the hand of “The Country”. The Italian version is also coming with “La Repubblica” and “Espresso” while Brazilian, German or Greek versions could be launched in the future, said Arianna Huffington.