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The PRE gains the Mayor´s Office in Balzar
Posted On 14 Apr 2014

According to the website of the electoral institution, Gonzalez goes along with a 36,10% of the votes, followed by Álex Zambrano from the Alliance PartySocial Cristiano (PSC)-Madera de Guerrero with a 32.49%. Behind them is the pro-Government candidate, Jesús Párraga, with a 27.90%. In previous results, the roldosist won with a 30.34%.
Residents met as well, the provision of the contentious Electoral Tribunal (TCE) of the repetition of the elections which occurred on February 23.
According to reports given by the heads of the Organization, the day unfolded with absolute normality in the five polling stations that were enabled;However, four people were arrested for various contraventions.