The prosecution and Pedro Delgado
The opinions regarding the actions of the General Prosecution of the State on the case of Pedro Delgado do not coincide, while the head of the office demands the recognition and signature of the complainant Enrique Herreria so the process moves forward, the latter, with documents in hand, revealed that on three occasions he has requested for the convening and has not received a response. But former Attorney Gustavo Medina, said that the prosecution “may act on its own initiative.”
The allegations made against the former president of the Central Bank and Trust No more impunity are very serious. Regardless of his recognition of lying and having received a fake college degree with master’s degree in Incae (Costa Rica), Delgado must respond for the loan given to Gaston Duzac, the purchase of a home in Miami, the failure of seized business, the alleged negotiations with Iran, the fate of the 26 million dollars of Petromanabí, among other issues reported. So far the prosecution has not done anything to investigate these allegations, while the Comptroller and the Superintendency of Banks remained in silence.
Galo Chiriboga The prosecutor says it cannot open the investigation without the recognition signature of Herreria, who warned him he would bring to the police if necessary. And ruled out that it can act on its own initiative because there is already a complaint, which in the opinion of the jurist Medina is not real, since all the topics investigated in the public domain and, therefore, hence this is sufficient for prosecutors to act in the case. Herreria, meanwhile, Chiriboga categorically denies and accuses him of harbouring Delgado, “which will force a political trial against the government prosecutor.”