The public institutional reform will cost $ 1,180 million
The Ministries of Finance and Labor Relations are the entities responsible for developing the institutional reforms to implement a model of efficient bureaucracy management and to reduce overstaffing in the public system.
The secretariats of Planning (Senplades) and Public Administration also form part of the task of the government of Rafael Correa. Should be noted that the main provider is the Inter American Development Bank (IDB,) which has not been mentioned in public interventions.
These four institutions of the state, are executing programs for the Institutional Reform of Public Management, with a $ 250 million budget and the Improvement of the Quality of Public Services, with a 270 million budget. Both projects are financed by the IDB.
The cost of the two loans together are of $ 520 million, but sources of the IDB revealed that the overall state reform will cost $ 1,180 million.
Despite this, the IDB stressed that since the first credit it has been achieved positive results: improved quality of services and “higher economic benefits than anticipated due to the higher speed on untying unnecessary personnel and operating costs associated with them, getting to generate a Real Annual Rate of $ 181 million. “