The reply to the official speech
Daily Expreso consulted government opponents regarding the official speech and all have agreed to divert attention from the presidential address to the national reality, they say is what really matters: the economic crisis.
The reactions
Rosalia Arteaga. Former Vice President
“A campaign with respect”
Arteaga visualizes that “next year will be very hard due to the economic issue, recession and unemployment are already bieng felt.” But she hopes “there´s not a dirty campaign, that depends on the person that makes it. We hope it is clean and with great respect.”
Alberto Dahik. Former Vice President
“A bailout for the country”
Former Vice President is confident “that the electoral issue does not distance us from the basics: prevent the crisis from worsening.” For this, he recommends “to start now, beyond the electoral desires, a bailout of the country, social costs will be terrible.”
Patricio Jijón. Democratic Left (ID)
“Violence is sown”
Former representative of the ID accuses “those who have badly handled over $ 300 billion, without audit, they have lost their way.” And reflects that “those who sow the absence of democracy and violence will harvest sensitive issues.”
Raul Auquilla. CREO
“No one believes anymore in the president”
The Assemblyman recalls they have “endured nine years of baseless insults and verbal violence.” He also warns that “they may control the judiciary, but they will have to prove their accusations because people no longer believe in the president.”
Milton Gualán. Popular Unity
“They are walking mockery”
The legislator ensures that the official speech “looks desperate.” And that the ruling party has become “a walking mockery.” Gualán believes that “during the last few months the Correism will be moved by the fear of the 2017 audit.”
John Argudo. Avanza
“They are using the wrong strategy”
The national spokesman of the former party allied to the government ensures that in PAIS “they are using the wrong strategy.” Argudo interprets “they should be thinking about how to fix this economic crisis and not insist complicating it. They should stop playing to create uncertainty.”
Moises Tacle. Social Christian Party
“It’s a new threat”
The Social Christian legislator reads the official speech as “an intention to silence citizen complaints. It´s just i a new threat that scares anyone.” And he downplays it: “This is not new, it is not serious. What is serious is the economic crisis.”
La Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador declaró incumplida a empresa china
La firma China National Electric Engineering Company (Cneec) fue declarada contratista incumplida a finales del año pasado, por la Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador (Celec).
El 21 de diciembre del 2015, esta entidad estatal presentó un primer pedido al Servicio de Compras Públicas (Sercop), para que incluyera a la compañía china en el Registro de Contratistas Incumplidos, por faltas en la ejecución del contrato de construcción, montaje y puesta en servicio del proyecto hidroeléctrico Quijos, de 50 megavatios de potencia (un 4,5% de la potencia de la central Paute-Molino). (I)