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The sewer system of Chone collapsed
Posted On 25 Jan 2016
Due to heavy rains recorded last week in Chone, six streets in the urban area and three rural parishes were flooded in the Manabi county. 56 homes were directly affected and four families of the Badeal sector spent the night in the homes of neighbors and relatives.
According to the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inamhi), rains left 236.8 mm of water in the county between Tuesday and Wednesday of the previous week. 90 mm of water per day is the normal amount.
Seven critical sections of the sewer system determine the collapse of nearly 40% of the system. To rebuild it, just in that area, would cost USD 672 000.
Only the Rio Grande sector has not been flooded because the Multipurpose Chone project is working there, the same that was inaugurated in November 2015, and which prevents the overflow of that river.