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The three ‘culprits’ of corruption
Posted On 29 Dec 2016

There were complaints, investigations and even reports with indications of criminal responsibility. Contracts in strategic sectors pass more than one filter, but in the reports of corruption within Petroecuador and in the works awarded to the Brazilian company Odebrecht, these filters were insufficient.
Where was the failure? Analysts and candidates consider that there are three problems in the country. The most important, they insist, is the reformed legislation.
In 2010, for example, the National Court of Justice established that, to initiate a tax instruction for illicit enrichment, a report of the National Audit Office was necessary. A step that, according to those consulted, delayed processes and favored those involved.
Mauricio Pozo, candidate for the vice presidency by the Social Christian Party, considers that the legal framework tolerates the corrupt people. He adds several elements: the elimination of previous reports, direct contracting (without bidding) and a submitted justice stain any contractual process.
According to the Anti-Corruption Civic Commission, contracts between countries also avoid transparency. That is the second culprit in the eyes of Jorge Rodríguez, a member of the commission. He puts as an example the contracts with Brazilian and Chinese companies. When financing is obtained between states, he says, executing companies are backed by a government.