The Vatican says the bishops’ survey will not change the Catholic doctrine
Vatican officials announced yesterday that Catholics should not expect any quick changes by the Church, regarding issues such as divorce, contraception, marriage and adoption by homosexual couples, divorced Catholics who have remarried, among others.
For the first time, the Holy See, which sent to every diocese in the world a questionnaire of 39 questions in preparation for the special meeting of bishops about the family, asked the bishops to circulate the survey between priests and so they seek the opinion from their own parishioners.
Hungarian Cardinal Peter Erdo, coordinator of the synod (assembly of bishops,) said that there are no “desires to reopen all discussions on Catholic doctrine” and said that this “is not a matter of public opinion.” He added that at the synod it will be discussed how to find solutions to difficult pastoral situations “in the context of the doctrine that we have.”
“The synod does not make decisions based on the majority of public opinion. It does not work like that,” said Italian Archbishop Bruno Forte, General Secretary of the meeting. However, it would be a mistake by the group to ignore the result if “much of the public feels a certain way,” he said.