Tourism reactivates due to patron celebrations and Day of the Death
From today, a short tourist season begins in Ecuador. This weekend will bring tradition and independence celebrations in the country.
Tulcan: There will be the flower show. The municipality of the city gave 120 spots to traders in the streets Venezuela and Manabi. It will be prepared the traditional beverage “colada morada” and craftsmen will offer cards and decorations.
Bolivar: Will hold the cheese fair and a llama race. The Fourth Festival of Cheese and Andean Culture will be held tomorrow and on Sunday in Salinas de Guaranda. They have organised events like the Cheese Chasqui, the prettiest guinea pig and a llama race.
Cotopaxi: There will be musical shows by the Intercultural Community Center, in the parish Tanicuchi and dance performances at the neighborhood center at the parish Guaytacama.
Tungurahua: Will be held crafts festival until Sunday. About 350 artisans will display their creations in clay, wood, fabric and tin at the Ambato Exhibition Centre, on the way to the parish Picaihua.
Azuay: Today starts the show “Bread from Cuenca” at the Heritage Complex Todos Santos, Cuenca, from 10:00 to 15:00, until Sunday. Representatives of the Municipal Cemetery of Cuenca will bake this November 1st, a 15 meters long “guagua de pan”.
Cuenca celebrates its anniversary of independence. But across the country people will taste the traditional colada morada, with delicious guaguas de pan.
Santo Domingo celebrates its Provincialization parties: There will be performances, fairs, exhibitions and cultural events. A stage ha been built next to the Youth Park, at the entrance of the city.
Carchi: In the capital will be held a parade due to the 133 years of life of this border province, while in the park Isidro Ayora in Tulcán, will be held the 5th Fair of Bread and Colada Morada.
In many other cities, citizens will make the traditional visits to the cemeteries to pay respect to the departed, and at night, artists will perform in public areas.