Tungurahua Pulse is the Biggest One in its Eruptive Process
A report from the Geophysical Institute (IG) of the National Polytechnic School pointed that in considering the volume of ash thrown in recent days, the current pulse of the Tungurahua volcano eruption (started last April 29) is considered one of the most strong since the beginning of the process in 1999.
Scientists from the IG and the French Institute for Research and Development (IRD) conducted a “systematic survey of the amount of ash accumulated in populated areas near the Tungurahua and determined that the approximate volume of ash deposited is around 1.6 to 3 million cubic meters.”
The thickness of the peak is 15.5 mm in the area of Cahuají Bajo, southwest of the mountain, the report states. At the moment, there are still continued frequent ash emissions but they show lower hight and load.
Source: El Universo Newspaper