Two FARC leaders are killed

FARC leaders killed
Military officers of Colombia shot dead last Sunday, August 18, two heads of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in the southwest of the country, according to the report of the local media reported.
The paramilitaries were identified as alias “Jaimito” and alias “El Burro”, those who perished in a bombing at their camp located in rural area of Toribio, Cauca sector (southwest).
The operation was organized by the Colombian army and police. Officials say the two leaders were commanders of the sixth front of the FARC front, in charge of carrying out operations in Cauca.
Although the FARC has proposed a bilateral ceasefire while carrying out peace talks with the Colombian government since 2012, the attacks, according to President Juan Manuel Santos will continue since he considers that the proposal can be used by the insurgent group to strengthen militarily.