Uprising Tapes Delivered by the National Assembly
Quito, Ecuador (EFE) – Fernando Cordero, President of Ecuador National Assembly delivered today to the district six discs with over eight hours of information regarding the Police uprising of last Thursday.
Legislator, Rolando Panchana, accompanied Cordero to the District of Quito to show the information to the Legislative board that was occupied during the Policemanifestations. It also presented the testimony of civilians related to the Assembly along with documented evidence regarding the attitude of the officers.
“This are internal testimonies of the Assembly” Cordero added the Public Ministry could verify them. However a source from the parliament pointed out that this audio archives were taken by civilians since the security camera recordings were erased. District Pesántez expressed his contempt to the events occurred on Thursday 30. And stated, “We back up President Correa” this was said to clarify Cordero that investigations on the District began the same day of the riots.
The District empathized with the National Assembly, Pesántez said that safety measures have been taken against the parliament chief of security, Rolando Tapía. He also added that the district investigation would be done with decision, prudence and objectivity. “There is no doubt that this was an act of insubordination, among other felonies that are being investigated.”
Cordero mentioned that the press released the audio files today. In the tapes it could be heard how the police were encouraged and even invited to kill the president.