USA analyzes the entry of the national rose to the SGP
The national floricultural sector, one of the most affected by the covid-19 crisis, could export its products without tariffs to the United States at the end of the year, as they are currently analyzing that Ecuadorian roses enter the Generalized System of Tariff Preferences (SGP) .

USA analyzes the entry of the national rose to the SGP
Of the 25 requests submitted this year by different countries, the US representative for Commerce, Roberth Lighthizer, decided to go to a second stage of review, only the Ecuadorian request for inclusion of roses.
The analysis of this request is a consequence of the efforts made by the official delegation, led by President Lenín Moreno , last February.
During their visit, Ministers Iván Ontaneda and Richard Martínez met with Lighthizer to present the request for roses, broccoli, tuna in pouch and artichokes to be considered in the SGP mechanism.
The US government has been very strict in the review processes for GSP applications and has limited the inclusion of new products, making this preliminary decision an important sign of goodwill.
The review and consultations will last until August and the final decision will be made in November 2020.
Ecuadorian roses consist among the main export items of the Ecuador and is a key sector for the economy because it generates 40,000 direct jobs and 55,000 indirect jobs . (I)