With a mural of petals they remember the fight against violence against women
Hundreds of red petals stuck on a gigantic white canvas formed the date 25 / November.

With a mural of petals they remember the fight against violence against women
This as a symbol to remember the day of the fight against violence against women. The poster was placed in the Plaza de la Administracion, in Guayaquil.
Up to there came members of female groups, officials, the mayor of the city and women survivors of abuse.
One of them was Rosa Lozano, who remembered what stopped shushing: for 30 years she suffered screams and blows until she decided to report him.
“I put him in jail. I had to change to a nearby checkpoint to stop mistreating me. ”
Gina Galeano, from the program ‘Amiga You are not alone’, explained that the mural seeks people to reflect.
“We want to create awareness. Women are not touched. We must wither violence, silence and fears.
He added that today begins activism to stop violence. The ‘Amiga no ya sola’ program has received more than 2,000 calls from women who report attacks.
Likewise, they have awarded four amparo scholarships to orphaned children of mothers who suffered feminicide.