Assembly will coordinate the ordinary and the indigenous justice
So it was announced by the chairman of the Justice Committee of the National Assembly , Mauro Andino (AP) , who says that the members of that committee are ready to treat the draft law.
The next step of the assembly members shall be to define or not whether to call for a pre-legislative consultation, which according the Constitution , the peoples and nationalities should be consulted before the adoption of a law that directly affects their lifestyle and habitat.
Assemblyman Luis Fernando Torres (PSC- CREO), member of the justice committee , believes that the law is necessary because , he says, there have been a series of abuses and confusion from part of indigenous justice in cases that should have been treated by ordinary courts , and vice versa.
On the other hand , Carlos Perez, president of the Confederation of Peoples of Kichwa Nationality of Ecuador (Ecuarunari), the law should not even be treated: “The State shall respect the national diversity and self-determination of peoples,” he said.