
Political trial against Guillermo Lasso is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16

The political trial against President Guillermo Lasso in the Plenary of the Assembly is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16, 2023, announced Assemblywoman Viviana Veloz, one of the proponents of this cause, this Friday, May 12. “It is ready. It has already been notified and now...
Posted On 13 May 2023
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Ecuadorian Carlos Abad wins a regional innovation contest

El ecuatoriano es el mentalizador de un proyecto para perfeccionar una silla de ruedas movida con la mente. Viajará a Alemania para medirse con los ganadores de otras regiones. Ecuadorian Carlos Abad won the Falling Walls Lab 2023 innovation contest, organized by the German...
Posted On 13 May 2023
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