Testimonial: Mirella Gomez, 60 years old. “I came with my friends and niece because the assistance provided by the medical brigade is really good. I believe that the people who have more should help those that have little. There are people who have a good heart. My sheens were swollen and the brigade help me out with medicines.”
Dr. Jenny de Arteaga, Director of the Health and Banana Plan of the Crusade for a New Humanity Foundation arrived to Boca de Caña town around 9 am along with the medical brigade truck, sponsored by Ab. Álvaro Noboa. Soon, the people started to gather around it. Many of them came from nearby towns like, Miraflores and Tarifa. Most of the cases that Dr. Arteaga treated that morning were viral diarrhea on children and arthritis on adults. Over 50 people had already received medical assistance and by the end of the afternoon, 100 more are expected to arrive.
Meanwhile Dr. Flora Bruno, the brigade organizer of Boca de Caña town, made sure that the medical truck had all of what they needed. Dr. Bruno lives in the town and the Crusade for a New Humanity Foundation has contacted her to work in Samborondon on three times since 2004, and on two occasions they have attended the needs of the people in Boca de Caña town.
Finally Mr. Carlos Torres, the Province Coordinator, organized the people so they could be attended properly.