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3,500 species inhabit the Galapagos Marine Reserve
Posted On 24 Aug 2017
Sharks, stingrays, penguins, corals, sea lions, dolphins, living organisms, and fish are among the 3,500 species of flora and fauna registered in the Galapagos Marine Reserve.
Eduardo Espinoza, responsible for the Monitoring Department of the Marine Ecosystem of the Galapagos National Park (DPNG for its Spanish acronym), explained that 22% of total species (including the black coral, non-flying cormorant, and canchalagua) is endemic, that is, unique and only inhabit the archipelago. Espinoza explained that the marine reserve is a touristic area, and only artisanal fishing is permitted.
Another activity that takes place in the reserve is research. About 20 institutions (non-governmental organizations and delegations of local, regional and international universities) conduct studies. At present, a group of scientists of the Charles Darwin Foundation and technicians of the Galapagos National Park work on the description of new species. (I)