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A day to highlight the National Coat of arms of Ecuador in schools
Posted On 31 Oct 2016

Amid a full commercial supply of superhero costumes, characters from animated films, masks and more, Luis Morales found a way to visualize a dozen of medium sized images of the coat of arms of Ecuador, whose day is remembered today.
Yesterday, the newsboy placed posters of the coat of arms on top of the newspapers. And in the corner of the Lorenzo de Garaicoa Street, in downtown, he put on a wall one of the images he sold for one dollar.
“Bookstores around here do not exhibit the coat of arms, and this is convenient for me because I sell more,” said the man, smiling.
Morales said he has sold images of the coat of arms for five years now, and during the days before October 31. He said that although the product is in demand, sales decrease each year.
He attributes that to the massive use of the internet. “Now the boys get the images there,” says the trader.
Maria Olso agrees with him; she sells printed copies in the market.
“During this week (last week) I had sold about ten sheets of the coat of arms before I used to sell more,” she said.
Source: http://www.eluniverso.